Hurricane Ridge

A sunny day during the winter months on the peninsula is a rarity.  The last two weeks we’ve been beginning to see a little more sunshine, but back when these were taken the sun hadn’t shone for weeks!  It was one day when Chris picked me up from work…..we could see the blue sky and knew we better not waste the opprotunity :-)  We hurried as fast as we could for fear the sun would go behind a cloud and not come out for another few weeks.  Hurricane Ridge is about 30-45 minutes from our house.  Even the drive is amazing!   

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Looking out toward PA and Sequim from Hurricane Ridge.

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP

The views were amazing!  I can only imagine how beautiful this place must be in the summer time too!  Guess we’ll just have to come back sometime :-)


~ by tirello on May 2, 2011.

One Response to “Hurricane Ridge”

  1. You have wowed me once again – thank you for sharing! I think I’ve been there in summer and there were marmots, just like in Mineral King. (But I don’t know if they chew on car parts there.)

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